Considering the increase in the competitive environment in different businesses and the need to increase the competitiveness of organizations, one of the most important approaches that businesses take to improve or maintain their current position is to strengthen their competitive advantages and strengths and reduce as many areas as possible can be improved.
The implementation of these productivity improvement approaches should be done with high productivity and the high costs of identifying the areas for improvements and its time-consuming and the high cost of implementing the improvement project to eliminate or reduce the effect of the areas that can be improved in the current economic conditions. It cannot be justified in any way.
As a productivity promotion clinic, IPBIC operates with the exact same goal, through having productivity standards in various manufacturing and service industries and using low-cost and high-effectiveness approaches in such a way as to minimize the theft of resources in firms. have, they identify areas that can be improved in every company. In the following, using the expert analysis they provide, they report the exact amount of distance existing in that organization with the productivity standard in that industry to the managers of that business.
Also, by using the database that has been created from the implemented and implemented solutions to improve the area identified in this center during the past years, a direct connection has been established with the organization that has implemented a successful improvement project in relation to that specific area. In this way, the experiences in that organization can be transferred to the applicant company.
In this process, the International Productivity Business Improvement Center, is responsible for the effectiveness of this work by using standard and international methodologies that exist in this field. Therefore, in this way, proper benchmarking is done in the desired area of the organization, and with the lowest cost and without the need for consultations and spending too much time, the problems in the organization can be solved in any field.
The figure on this page shows the conceptual logic of the operation of this clinic and how to use the databases.